Nurse Sheltee
Author of Amazon's #1 New Release
in Nursing Emergency

New Release
Nursing During the Outbreak...
Within her debut literary work, "Nursing During the Outbreak: What I Saw, What I Felt, and Why I Chose to Stay," Nurse Sheltee takes her readers on a journey through the heart and brain of "Rona, the Destructive Infectious Fatale," aka Coronavirus. Death always has someone's first and last name attached to it. But sometimes... just sometimes, God sends His angels by the names of Life, Grace, and Mercy to our aid.
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About Nurse Sheltee
Sheltee Felton is a Florida native, registered nurse (RN), and Amazon best-selling author. Her book, “Nursing During the Outbreak: What I Saw, What I Felt, and Why I Chose to Stay,” was released and April 29, 2021. Her debut literary work ranked the #1 New Release in Emergency Nursing and the #2 best seller in the same category. It was released just in time for National Nurses Week (May 6th – May 12th).